Rowland Heights Community Coordinating Council

        Membership & Meetings

All residents of Rowland Heights are invited (in fact urged) to join the Coordinating Council and work with fellow members of the community to improve the quality of life for everyone.  Membership Application Form

Our general meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Community Center at Pathfinder Park, located at 18150 E. Pathfinder Road  (just east of Fullerton Road).  The meetings are open to both members and non-members alike.  Bring a neighbor or friend.  The RHCCC is an organization of volunteers.  Officers and committee members donate their time and energies.  Dues are a nominal $10 per year per person.  The proceeds are used for printing and mailing community flyers, maintaining this web site and to cover miscellaneous expenses.  We hope to see you at a meeting soon.  Please bookmark this site for future reference and tell a friend or neighbor about it.
If you have any questions please email Beth Hojnacke at   

Join us for the next Rowland Heights Community Coordinating Council meeting Monday, December 9, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. The Pathfinder Community Center is located in Pathfinder Park (at the top of the hill above the park entrance) 1/8th of a mile east of the Fullerton Road/Pathfinder intersection.        Map  

Find out what's happening in the community ... hear reports regarding local law enforcement activities and updates from federal, state and county officials .... voice your concerns and opinions.

Comments and suggestions regarding this  web site are welcome.  Email:












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