Rowland Heights Community Coordinating Council FAQs

Q1 What is the purpose of Rowland Heights Community Coordinating Council (RHCCC)?
A The Rowland Heights Community Coordinating Council (RHCCC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in Rowland Heights. The general purposes for which this Council is formed are listed below:

1. To provide a forum for Rowland Heights residents, government agency representatives, Federal and State elected representatives, to meet and discuss community concerns and explore possible solutions.
2. To develop community responsibility for meeting the needs of children and youth;
3. To promote and encourage community involvement;
4. To improve quality of life and promote good citizenship;
5. o encourage the voluntary cooperation of organizations, agencies and individuals interested in making the community a better place in which to live.
Q2 Do I have to be a member of RHCCC to receive meeting information?
A No, you may simply submit your contact information (e-mail address is highly recommended), and we will add you to the E-News list.

Q3 Do I have to be a resident of Rowland Heights to become a member of RHCCC?
A Yes, but you are always welcome to come to our meetings. In addition, you can still support RHCCC by making donations instead of membership dues.

Q4 What does RHCCC do to improve our community?

Q5 When and where does RHCCC meet?

Q6 How do I know if I live in the area of RHCCC?

Q7 In the past, what activities RHCCC has conducted that has helped to improve Rowland Heights?